How does it work?
We absolutely, unadulteratedly love music… call it a hunch, but we figure that you must do too. You probably wouldn’t have found us if you didn’t. In fact, this is the very reason why we founded Beats By Nature, to provide you with the ultimate instrumental library.
We Keep It Simple
We don’t believe in those convoluted purchases, or checkouts that try to sell you everything under the sun. You want your tracks ASAP and we want to make that process as easy as possible. Just like any sport, you read the rules, understand the rules and then play the game… in other words read the terms and conditions. Success is connected to many tentacles, so make sure you don’t get tangled up… we’re here to assist.
So, What’s the Deal?
Beats By Nature provides a selection of instrumentals, hooks, sound-bites and effects for your purchase and downloading pleasure.
- Find the type of track you want (search genre, tags or name).
- Play it… like it?
- Choose your license
- Checkout via ©Paypal
- Await email delivery